Cheney Plays Nuclear Card

Reichsmarschall Von Cheney
Now we’ve heard it all.
Today Vice President Dick Cheney told America that the threat of terrorists detonating a nuclear bomb in an American city: “It’s a very real threat … something that we have to worry about and defeat every single day.”

And then he went on to warn that if the United States withdraws from Iraq, then basically we’re just paving the way for terrorists to plant such a bomb in some US city.

So let’s get this straight. According to Reichsmarschall Von Cheney:
US stays in Iraq = US safe from nuclear terrorism
US leaves Iraq = American cities go boom!

What a bunch of unmitigated bullshit!

Cheney actually expects anyone to buy this kind of tripe? And this coming from the people who brought you Iraq’s wonderful “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” and Saddam Hussein’s much vaunted nuclear program.

Yeah, right!

This is obviously a last desperate card being played by the Bush administration. An empty attempt to salvage their position on the Iraq war-funding bill.

They figure if they can scare the holy living shit out of people, then the voters will play along with their program.

Now this approach did work rather well for the first few years of the war. All the orange, yellow, purple and mauve terror alerts. People were on edge, off balance. Suspicious and distrustful. Let’s buy some duct tape and tape up all our doors and windows in case of a chemical or biological attack. Right now!
And Bush and his buddies kept America that way – all to their advantage.

The bitch is, eventually people have come to see through the farce.

All the justifications for the Iraq war have been proved to be false – there were no WMD, no nukes, no ties between Saddam and al Qaeda – no nothing. No rational or practical basis for invading Iraq. None. Saddam as it turns out, wasn’t a menace to anyone outside the borders of his country.

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Bush Administration Must Be Held Accountable

Seig Heil!
The controversy over the firing of the eight US Attorneys continues to percolate in Washington DC, amid new charges by President Bush of partisan politics and democrats leveraging for political “show trials.”

House and Senate Judiciary committees are now preparing subpoenas for senior Bush administration officials, including Karl Rove and Harriet Miers.
President Bush has counter offered to have Rove and Miers testify “informally” in closed door sessions with the committees, where they would not be under oath, and no transcripts would be kept.

If Bush is worried about having them testify under oath, and have a transcript kept of the testimony, there’s only one thing he could possibly be worried about: being caught in a lie – where later, Rove and Miers might face perjury charges is the truth does prevail. Continue reading “Bush Administration Must Be Held Accountable”

George Bush: Next Stop Tehran!

WMD's? I don't got to show you no stinkin' WMD's!
Anyone remember Colin Powell jumping up and down at the UN, holding a vial of what he said was something that proved Iraq was manufacturing Weapons of Mass Destruction? Oh, yeah!

Well that information was given to him by the very same people that are now claiming that Iran is providing Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s) to Iraq.

And the information is likely about as good as the old WMD charges.
The news media has been busy digging, looking for sources to confirm the validity of the Iranian ties, but to date, not one single substantive tie has been made.

Even some of Bush’s own military commanders dispute the charges. As General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, stated in an interview with the Voice of America, “We know that the explosively formed projectiles are manufactured in Iran,” Pace told Voice of America during a visit to Australia. “What I would not say is that the Iranian government, per se, knows about this.” Link to Voice of America article.

Continue reading “George Bush: Next Stop Tehran!”

George W. Bush: Man or Moron?

Bush Moron!
So George Bush gives us platitudes, pats us on the head and tells us daddy knows best: the only way to succeed in Iraq and make America safe from the menace of al Qaeda is to increase troop levels there and send more American kids off to their deaths.

What a load of tripe!

I can’t believe he’s still peddling the tired myths about al Qaeda.
Let’s get this straight: before we got involved in Iraq, there was no link between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. Sure, they were both Sunni Muslims, but to say that they were even on speaking terms is a fantasy – Saddam was a secular Sunni; bin Laden is devout. Politically, theologically, philosophically and otherwise, bin Laden and Hussein were diametrically opposed.

To suggest that they were buddies because they were both Arabs is like saying Hillary Clinton and Jerry Falwell are best friends because they’re both Americans. Ludicrous at best.

By invading Iraq and deposing Saddam Hussein, we created an opportunity for al Qaeda to fight us head to head, in a territory where (once Saddam was out of the picture) they had friends.

Our invasion of Iraq is the best thing that ever happened to al Qaeda – because now they’ve got people beating down the door to volunteer to fight the “Crusaders” as they call us.

Continue reading “George W. Bush: Man or Moron?”

Let’s Fire George Bush

Steve Bell -Bush and the Iraq Study Group Report
It’s been over a week now since the release of the Iraq Study Group report. The basis of the report is that the situation in Iraq is “grave and deteriorating,” and that there is no workable military solution. The report states that the only path with some potential for success is a joint diplomatic/political venture involving Iraq’s neighbors. Iraq Study Group Report

The bipartisan panel includes heavy-hitters from both sides of the aisle: a former Supreme Court Justice, two former Secretary of States, a former Attorney General, a former Defense Secretary, a former White House Chief of Staff.

Study Group CompositionAccording to recent polls, the public is firmly behind the findings of the report.

In the results of a Washington Post/ABC News poll released today, 46% of all Americans support the findings of the report, while 22% oppose it. 52% of Americans believe we’re losing the war in Iraq, and 79% favor putting American troops in support, not combat roles. And most importantly, 69% of all Americans believe all US troops should be withdrawn from Iraq by early 2008. Poll Results

Continue reading “Let’s Fire George Bush”

Land of Promise Denied

Lady Liberty

“Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.
From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“”Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!”” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

“The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus

I’ve been watching the whole immigration saga that’s been in the news recently with a lot of interest.

There have been marches in every city – with hundreds of thousands of people in Los Angeles and Chicago participating – all protesting the Republican party’s proposed immigration reform bill. That bill would make it a felony to enter the country illegally.

Now, the Republican’s proposal to so-called “criminalize” illegal aliens is on its face, ludicrous at best. It’s like we didn’t already have enough problems with the federal budget, so now the Republicans want to spend millions if not billions locking up illegal aliens – “punishing” them for slipping into the country without a visa.

It’s not the very stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of, but it’s close.

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Hypocrite of the Decade


Our hypocrite of the decade award goes to none other than George W. Bush.

Mr. Bush, the world’s premier champion of the democratic form of government, has made spreading democracy Job Number One for the good ol’ US of A.

This mantle of good-natured philanthropy surfaced, as you’ll no doubt recall, after it finally became apparent that there were no actual Weapons of mass Destruction in Iraq, and further, that Iraq and Saddam Hussein posed no threat to anyone at all beyond Iraq’s borders.

Without the threat of WMD’s as a justification for the invasion, Mr. Bush obviously needed something else to use for the rationale.

Mr. Bush was observed to state, “Well heck, even if there weren’t any WMD’s, we still need to let these godless heathen, goat-lovers choose their own form of government, so the invasion was still necessary – I promise you that. We did it to protect them, so they can have a government of the people, by the people and for the people, just like us. So as soon as they elect a democratic government and are able to govern themselves, we’ll pick up our guns and leave.”

So now the Spread Of Democracy – what a grand, noble cause – is job one!

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Our First Step Towards a Totalitarian Dictatorship

Dubya's Best Buddie
In defense of his domestic spying program, George Bush said today, “When terrorist operatives are here in America communicating with someone overseas, we must understand what’s going on if we’re going to do our job to protect the people. The safety and security of the American people depend on our ability to find out who the terrorists are talking to, and what they’re planning.”

He went on, “Federal courts have consistently ruled that a president has authority under the Constitution to conduct foreign intelligence surveillance against our enemies. My predecessors have used the same constitutional authority on numerous occasions. And the Supreme Court has ruled that Congress gave the president additional authority to use the traditional tools — or ‘fundamental incidents’ — of war in the fight against terror when Congress passed the authorization for the use of military force in 2001.”

To examine the validity of the President’s statements, you have to look at the resolution he referenced.

In the War Powers Resolution of 2001, it stated that the President “…has authority under the Constitution to take action to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States…” and that “… the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.” Emphasis added.

This clearly delineates the President’s authority as that which is specifically granted under the Constitution.

In the constitution, the Fourth Amendment guarantees Americans “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” This right includes protections against warrantless wiretaps.

Continue reading “Our First Step Towards a Totalitarian Dictatorship”

George Orwell Would Be Proud…

Best Buddies
There you are, you’re George W. Bush, you’re trailing badly in the polls, you’ve got this nasty little problem with domestic spying making headline news all over the place, your war in Iraq is continuing to go sour, and all your best buddies are getting indicted for corruption and bribery. So what do you do?

You call out the heavy artillery, that’s what!

Last week, after a year’s absence, George W. Bush’s biggest supporter, Osama bin Laden made a rare appearance, via an audiotape mailed to Aljazeera TV.
In the tape, bin Laden alternately threatened to bring the war back home to America, and then offered a truce.

Continue reading “George Orwell Would Be Proud…”