Open Letter to the Washington State Congressional Delegation

Putin's BitchOur country is currently under an attack that if left unchecked, will utterly destroy our democracy. Elon Musk and Donald Trump are staging a coup, in concert with the most massive cyber-attack ever imagined, directed against the US government. At this stage of the game, it’s hard to tell who is truly in control, but it looks rather like Musk is calling the shots, and Trump is just a figurehead.

The cyber-attack by Musk on our government’s computer systems is staggering in scope. Musk and his minions have infiltrated or are in the process of infiltrating almost every significant, sensitive government computer system in our nation. They not only have administrator access online, but in many cases have access to the hardware that these systems run on. That gives them unprecedented opportunities to not only make alterations to the software, but also access to install hardware modifications that would allow them to operate the systems remotely from whatever location in the world they choose.

If this cyber-attack was stopped today, it would probably take years of forensic analysis to truly understand what had been done to the computer systems and to correct it.
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Trump Has a Plan to End Ukraine War

But at what cost? If Trump cuts off funding for the Ukraine war, China would be more likely to invade Taiwan, which might goad Putin into broadening his war into Eastern Europe. Would the dominoes begin to fall?

Lovers kiss

According to the AP, Donald Trump said, “They’re dying, Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying. And I’ll have that done — I’ll have that done in 24 hours.”

This isn’t just one of his endless boasts. He could actually do it. All he has to do is cut off all US aid to Ukraine. Everything Trump has previously said or done points to this resolution.

Trump’s animus towards Volodymyr Zelensky is well known. As is his endless adulation of Vladimir Putin, and his dislike of America’s footing the bill for Ukraine’s defense.

If Trump did cut off US aid to Ukraine, it’s only a short matter of time before the war would wind down. Supplies of munitions and other critical war material not to mention money would quickly be depleted. This would leave Ukraine in a precarious bargaining position. They’d be forced to agree to whatever terms Putin demands.

So while it might not actually be over in twenty-four hours, it would be a short matter of time. Which could potentially start other balls rolling.

Chinese President, Xi Jinping, has been waiting in the wings, closely watching what happens with Ukraine and the United States. He’s made no secret about his intentions with Taiwan. Xi sees Taiwan as an illegitimate country that’s historically been part of China. In the past year or so China’s been amping things up by asserting their sovereignty in the Taiwan Straits, conducting military exercises around Taiwan and even launching ballistic missiles over the island. Continue reading “Trump Has a Plan to End Ukraine War”

No Guardrails in Trump’s Second Term

A recent article in the New York Times suggests that a lot of people back Trump because they don’t believe he’ll do the outrageous things he proposes – like use the military against domestic protesters, and the “enemy within.” They believe this is all just an act to impress his supporters.

However, many of the people who know him best strongly believe that given his history, Trump will follow through. For example, this isn’t the first time Trump has suggested using the military against protesters.

According to a June 2021 story in The Hill, “aides to Trump … reportedly went so far as to draft an order that would have allowed him to invoke the Insurrection Act … but Barr, Esper and Milley later talked the president out of the plan.”

That meeting is highlighted in a book by Michael Bender. As recounted by The Hill, Retired General Mark Milley and Trump got into an extended shouting match on the subject following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. Trump wanted to “put Milley in charge” of a nationwide campaign to crack down on protests. Trump planned to invoke the 1807 Insurrection Act, and have Milley send active-duty Army troops to Washington DC to deal with protesters. Continue reading “No Guardrails in Trump’s Second Term”

Kamala Harris For President

I was truly heartened when Joe Biden stepped aside. That was a very classy thing to do. I voted for Biden in 2020 and I would have voted for him again this year. But frankly, he didn’t have a chance against Donald Trump. There’s so much riding on this election, it’s just nuts.Kamala Harris for President
My preferred candidate to run against Trump would’ve been Michelle Obama. Based on polling from last July, she had the best chance of winning – nearly a ten point margin. But Harris is a good candidate and the way she’s put her campaign together on the run was beyond my expectations.

She’s the only candidate running who is actually qualified for the job of president. In her four years as vice president, she’s grown into the job. The problems she had initially with staff turnover and negative publicity have all but faded away. Her background as a prosecuting attorney, as attorney general of California, as a US Senator and finally as vice president have been good preparation for her to assume the job of president. She has the temperament, the intelligence, and the wherewithal for the job.

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President Biden Needs to Step Aside At Once


With the horrendous Supreme Court decision yesterday on trump’s immunity from prosecution, it becomes even more imperative that the Democrats win the next election.This is what we could end up with.

In the words of Justice Sotomayor, “the president is now a king above the law.” As she outlined in her dissent, hypothetical situations where the concept of immunity could apply include: ordering the Navy Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival, organizing a military coup to hold onto power, and taking a bribe in exchange for a pardon. All these sorts of acts would be immune because they have their basis in the president’s official, core duties.

If trump regains the presidency, you can bet your bottom dollar he will explore all those different alternatives. And much more. I’m sure he sees the Supreme Court decision as an absolute green light for his most fanciful, royal ambitions.

The trump campaign has a much-publicized plan to purge all “deep state” civil servants replacing them with an all-MAGA workforce. So when implementing new policies, questions of constitutionality will likely never arise. I’m also sure that trump will also place loyal MAGA henchmen into key military positions. They learned from the mistakes they made in the first term. They won’t make those mistakes again. There won’t be any bureaucratic push back on anything they attempt. Making it worse, he knows where the levers of power are.

Truly, there won’t be any checks and balances on a second trump administration. There won’t be any adults into the room to tell them, “no you can’t do that because it’s illegal/unconstitutional.” Those are words trump will never ever hear in a second term. At least from any of his own people (and that includes the Supreme Court). Continue reading “President Biden Needs to Step Aside At Once”

An Open Letter to President Biden

Dear President Biden:

I voted for you in 2020. I think you’re a good, honorable person and are eminently qualified to lead the country. I think you speak the truth. I think you’ve done a great job the last four years – within the limits of what’s possible after inheriting the truly gargantuan mess created by trump and the pandemic.

But I don’t think you can win this coming election.

The questions of your age and ability to perform the duties of president have been hovering over the campaign for most of the last year. Your performance in last Thursday’s debate confirmed everyone’s worst fears. You let trump run roughshod over you; you didn’t fact-check most of his horrendous lies; and you devolved into incoherence at several points.

Sure, everyone is allowed one bad night. And one bad debate doesn’t necessarily negate four years of your good work. But perceptions are everything.

By and large, the greater majority of people don’t care if you tell the truth, or if you know how to do the job. They’re interested more in appearances; they want a strong, forceful leader; stupid superficial things that don’t really bear on job performance. And they’re motivated by their own base self-interests.

Trump is an exceptionally gifted liar; clearly, he’s a pathological liar. He’s eminently believable and he’s promising everyone the moon. So in an era where most people get their news on social networks, YouTube, or from friends, trumps lies go unchallenged.

As stated earlier, one of the worst parts of the debate was that you didn’t fact check him; by your omissions, you de facto legitimized what he was saying.

This coming election Is probably the most consequential contest the nation has ever had. As you have suggested, it portends the potential demise of our democracy, if trump is elected.

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Inslee’s plan for in-person school

Too little, and way too soon

On December 21, Governor Jay Inslee announced updated guidelines for reopening in-person classes at K-12 schools. Under the plan, counties with a 14-day average greater than 350 cases/100,000 population, and with positivity rates greater than 10% would be able to reopen. This new plan he says, is based on recent data showing dramatic drops in disease transmission when safety measures are put in place.

The following Friday, the Tacoma School District jumped on board, announcing limited classes for in-person learning starting January 19. Beginning with kindergartners in groups of up to fifteen students, the plan will expand over the course of the following month to include preschool and then later, first and second graders.

The key principles of the Governor’s new plan, are excluding sick people through screening, using cohorts, using social distancing, handwashing, wearing masks and a number of other now standard measures.

Missing from the Governor’s plan is mandatory coronavirus testing. There’s no requirement students/staff must provide negative test results before starting school initially. And there’s no requirement for surveillance testing during school. Testing under the plan, is voluntary when and if used; parents may opt out, at will.

This approach provides a stark contrast to schools which have successfully reopened for in-person learning.

One good example are New York State’s schools. The reopening plan developed under Gov. Andrew Cuomo provides that students must show a negative test result before being allowed in school. The plan also requires mandatory surveillance testing for 25% of the school community (students, teachers, staff) every week. Students failing to submit to testing are required to use remote learning, with very narrow exceptions. It should be noted their current positivity rate is about 6.1%. There are nearly 2.8 million students in New York’s K-12 schools. Continue reading “Inslee’s plan for in-person school”

America at the Tipping Point

King Trump and the fall of the American Republic?

The tipping point for the Nazi takeover of Germany arguably occurred when President Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler as Chancellor.  This was the culmination of a long, arduous process the Nazis started in the 1920s.

In the years following the end of World War I and the Treaty of Versailles, the newly formed Weimar Republic was in shambles, reeling with the aftereffects of the war.  On the whole, the German populace viewed the loss of the war and the terrible terms of the treaty as a stinging, humiliating defeat.

Playing on that, the Nazis argued Germany had been stabbed in the back by the politicians who agreed to the treaty.  They portrayed the Weimer Republic as riddled with corruption and degeneracy, and led by Jews and Marxists – whom they blamed for everything.  They projected the idea that Germany was on the brink of a communist revolution and that Hitler was the only person who could solve these problems, and make Germany strong again. 

By July 1932, the Nazis had become the largest political party in Germany, amassing 230 out of 608 seats in the Reichstag.  On January 30, 1933, the tipping point, Hitler finally maneuvered Hindenburg into to appointing him Chancellor, achieving his long-held goal to lead Germany. 

About a month following, the Reichstag building was set on fire – possibly by the Nazis.  Seizing the opportunity, Hitler shrewdly blamed the communists, proclaiming the fire to be the prelude of mass terrorist attacks and an imminent communist revolution.  Dozens of communists were immediately rounded up and thrown in jail. 

In a bid to provide legal cover for the mass arrests and to expand his own power, the next day, Hitler succeeded in getting President Hindenburg to issue the Reichstag Fire Decree.  The decree suspended the people’s most basic rights, including the freedom of expression, the right to assemble and organize, and freedom of the press.  This was all necessary to ensure public safety.

On March 24, 1933, Hitler made his final power grab when the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act of 1933. This amended the German Constitution, giving him complete dictatorial powers.

Continue reading “America at the Tipping Point”

Hazzard County, Tacoma

Boss Hogg Lives!

Okay, here’s the scenario: somewhere in a town probably deep down in the rural South, the politicians decide unceremoniously to dump part of the city’s utility system. The line given to the townsfolk, is that the utility system is losing money. This issue of losses is hotly contested, but the town fathers are able to stall off an independent audit to determine if the utility is really losing money. The only daily newspaper in town is owned by basically the same group of people that run the town – they’re all good ol’ boys – so it spouts a nearly constant stream of propaganda backing up what the town fathers say.  Feeling secure, the politicians plow right ahead.  There are questions, however.

Why, you ask yourself, would anyone want to buy a utility that’s losing money? So they can take the losses themselves, instead of the city? Obviously, this is altruism’s finest hour!  But then you remember that the person buying the utility is one of the group of good ol’ boys.  Armed with this thought, you have to assume it’s a no-brainer the utility must be making money hand over fist!  Otherwise no one would want to buy it.  The good ol’ boys don’t waste money on unprofitable businesses. It’s just not done.  And cooking the books to make it show a loss is so, so easy.

The move to sell the utility doesn’t really surprise anyone because the town’s politics are dominated by the good ol’ boys, and they often make decisions like this. This is not these politicians’ first rodeo.  

Where might something like this happen?  Right off the top, most people would think of Hazzard County, Georgia, with Commissioner Boss Hogg running the show. It’s a given that everything Boss Hogg does, profits himself or his friends. That’s Just the way he rolls. Everyone accepts this, because that’s just the way business is conducted in that small fictional southern towns.  Or so TV would have us believe.

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