George W. Bush: Man or Moron?

Bush Moron!
So George Bush gives us platitudes, pats us on the head and tells us daddy knows best: the only way to succeed in Iraq and make America safe from the menace of al Qaeda is to increase troop levels there and send more American kids off to their deaths.

What a load of tripe!

I can’t believe he’s still peddling the tired myths about al Qaeda.
Let’s get this straight: before we got involved in Iraq, there was no link between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. Sure, they were both Sunni Muslims, but to say that they were even on speaking terms is a fantasy – Saddam was a secular Sunni; bin Laden is devout. Politically, theologically, philosophically and otherwise, bin Laden and Hussein were diametrically opposed.

To suggest that they were buddies because they were both Arabs is like saying Hillary Clinton and Jerry Falwell are best friends because they’re both Americans. Ludicrous at best.

By invading Iraq and deposing Saddam Hussein, we created an opportunity for al Qaeda to fight us head to head, in a territory where (once Saddam was out of the picture) they had friends.

Our invasion of Iraq is the best thing that ever happened to al Qaeda – because now they’ve got people beating down the door to volunteer to fight the “Crusaders” as they call us.

The worst thing we could ever do to al Qaeda would be to leave Iraq – it’d leave them without a purpose, no one to fight (except other Arabs). Yeah, they would have won, but who cares? It’s more their country than it is ours.

We have no business in Iraqwe never did. There never were any Weapons of Mass Destruction. There were never any ties between Saddam and al Qaeda, or 9/11. None. And Saddam was never a menace to anyone outside Iraq – never.
The Bush administration made up their case for the invasion – the whole thing was 100% fabrication. Lies, deceit and more lies.

According to reports, Bush was looking for justification to invade Iraq right from the time he was elected – way before 9/11. It’s been suggested the whole thing between him and Saddam was because, as Bush put it, “That man tried to murder my dad,” , referring to a 1993 assassination attempt on Bush senior by Saddam. Read this article from The New Yorker

.Whatever Bush’s private, base motivations, the United States had no business invading Iraq – and we have no business there now. Every day we linger just exacerbates the problems.

The country is in the throes of a heated civil war – that’s plain. All the different sides hate us passionately. The only thing our presence there does is to unify the various sides – against us – because we’re the one enemy they can all agree on.

All the military and counter-insurgency experts agree that 20,000 troops is too little, too late. The military commanders in Iraq themselves opposed the plan. So, Bush fired them and cast around till he found some generals that would shut up and take orders.

This must end now.
Over 3,000 American soldiers have needlessly given their lives for Bush’s private little war.

I say enough! We must get our troops out of Iraq now, before we waste any more precious American lives. Let the Iraqis fight it out among themselves – as they will do anyways.

So let’s bring the troops back home right now. And let’s get that moron Bush out of office before he destroys our great country…