President Biden Needs to Step Aside At Once


With the horrendous Supreme Court decision yesterday on trump’s immunity from prosecution, it becomes even more imperative that the Democrats win the next election.This is what we could end up with.

In the words of Justice Sotomayor, “the president is now a king above the law.” As she outlined in her dissent, hypothetical situations where the concept of immunity could apply include: ordering the Navy Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival, organizing a military coup to hold onto power, and taking a bribe in exchange for a pardon. All these sorts of acts would be immune because they have their basis in the president’s official, core duties.

If trump regains the presidency, you can bet your bottom dollar he will explore all those different alternatives. And much more. I’m sure he sees the Supreme Court decision as an absolute green light for his most fanciful, royal ambitions.

The trump campaign has a much-publicized plan to purge all “deep state” civil servants replacing them with an all-MAGA workforce. So when implementing new policies, questions of constitutionality will likely never arise. I’m also sure that trump will also place loyal MAGA henchmen into key military positions. They learned from the mistakes they made in the first term. They won’t make those mistakes again. There won’t be any bureaucratic push back on anything they attempt. Making it worse, he knows where the levers of power are.

Truly, there won’t be any checks and balances on a second trump administration. There won’t be any adults into the room to tell them, “no you can’t do that because it’s illegal/unconstitutional.” Those are words trump will never ever hear in a second term. At least from any of his own people (and that includes the Supreme Court).

Making things even more critical, today there was a report in The Hill, Carl Bernstein: Sources say Biden’s debate ‘horror show’ far from a ‘one-off’.  If this is indeed true, that the Democrats need to mobilize at once to get President Biden to announce he will not run.

I’m a big supporter of President Biden. I think he’s been a great president within the limits possible considering the mess that he inherited from trump. My heart goes out to him. But it’s clearly time he stepped aside and let someone else run against trump. Someone who’s on their game and who has a better chance of winning.

This is an all hands on deck moment. Our democracy hangs in the balance. It’s less than two months to the convention. The Democratic Party must move quickly and decisively to find a new nominee if our republic is going to survive.

Do you really want a convicted felon (pictured above) as president? I think not.