Open Letter to the Washington State Congressional Delegation

Putin's BitchOur country is currently under an attack that if left unchecked, will utterly destroy our democracy. Elon Musk and Donald Trump are staging a coup, in concert with the most massive cyber-attack ever imagined, directed against the US government. At this stage of the game, it’s hard to tell who is truly in control, but it looks rather like Musk is calling the shots, and Trump is just a figurehead.

The cyber-attack by Musk on our government’s computer systems is staggering in scope. Musk and his minions have infiltrated or are in the process of infiltrating almost every significant, sensitive government computer system in our nation. They not only have administrator access online, but in many cases have access to the hardware that these systems run on. That gives them unprecedented opportunities to not only make alterations to the software, but also access to install hardware modifications that would allow them to operate the systems remotely from whatever location in the world they choose.

If this cyber-attack was stopped today, it would probably take years of forensic analysis to truly understand what had been done to the computer systems and to correct it.
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Trump Has a Plan to End Ukraine War

But at what cost? If Trump cuts off funding for the Ukraine war, China would be more likely to invade Taiwan, which might goad Putin into broadening his war into Eastern Europe. Would the dominoes begin to fall?

Lovers kiss

According to the AP, Donald Trump said, “They’re dying, Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying. And I’ll have that done — I’ll have that done in 24 hours.”

This isn’t just one of his endless boasts. He could actually do it. All he has to do is cut off all US aid to Ukraine. Everything Trump has previously said or done points to this resolution.

Trump’s animus towards Volodymyr Zelensky is well known. As is his endless adulation of Vladimir Putin, and his dislike of America’s footing the bill for Ukraine’s defense.

If Trump did cut off US aid to Ukraine, it’s only a short matter of time before the war would wind down. Supplies of munitions and other critical war material not to mention money would quickly be depleted. This would leave Ukraine in a precarious bargaining position. They’d be forced to agree to whatever terms Putin demands.

So while it might not actually be over in twenty-four hours, it would be a short matter of time. Which could potentially start other balls rolling.

Chinese President, Xi Jinping, has been waiting in the wings, closely watching what happens with Ukraine and the United States. He’s made no secret about his intentions with Taiwan. Xi sees Taiwan as an illegitimate country that’s historically been part of China. In the past year or so China’s been amping things up by asserting their sovereignty in the Taiwan Straits, conducting military exercises around Taiwan and even launching ballistic missiles over the island. Continue reading “Trump Has a Plan to End Ukraine War”