Ralph Nader, GO HOME!

An open letter to Ralph (Spolier) Nader:
Ralph Nader
Still my beating heart! It can’t be so!
OMG! I was just swept away with emotion when I that heard you – Ralph Nader – were going to step into the 2008 presidential race.
We are so damned lucky!
Just what we need, another spoiler in the race.
You were absolutely instrumental in getting George Bush elected in the 2000 election! Great job! Without you, Gore would have certainly won.
Now, I suppose this announcement means you’ve decided to throw your weight behind McCain or whoever the republicans put up? Great.
Thanks entirely to you, Ralph, and your 2000 presidential bid, George Bush has:

  • gotten us hopelessly involved in a war in Iraq
  • gotten us hopelessly involved in a war in Afghanistan
  • alienated many of our former allies
  • taken away many of our civil liberties in the name of national security
  • run-up an historic national debt to finance the wars
  • completely screwed-up the economy of our country

And you Ralph, are personally responsible for:

  • The deaths of nearly 4,000 US servicemen in Iraq
  • The wounding of over 29,000 US servicemen in Iraq
  • The deaths of as many as 89,000 Iraqi civilians from the war
  • The deaths of 479 US soldiers in Afghanistan
  • The wounding of almost 1,900 soldiers in Afghanistan

Ralph Nader: You’re a disaster for this nation. You’ve disgraced yourself and your country. You’re directly responsible for the deaths and injury of thousands of innocent people.
If you had any class at all, you’d commit Seppuku right now!
But you don’t have any class, do you?
It’d be hard to out-do the devastation that George Bush has wrought on this nation. But if you do run this time, I’m wondering what new and wonderful things we have to look forward to now? Famine? Floods? Nuclear war? Pestilence?
I can’t wait…
Ralph Nader: You wouldn’t even have my vote for dog-catcher!
Michael Pellegrini

November Election Endorsements

Lobotomies for Republicans
Statewide Prop One – Roads and Transit – Vote Yes
Prop One is one of the most important ballot measures we’ve seen in recent years. In addition to funding the expansion of mass transit, it provides funds for key infrastructure improvements.
After the disappointing and untimely demise of the Seattle Monorail, the region is getting a second chance at mass transit with light rail.
If the Seattle metropolitan area is to succeed in becoming a world-class city, we have to start building mass-transit systems.
Our current freeway system is maxed out. It can’t handle the traffic that currently exists, much less handle the anticipated growth we’re likely to experience in the coming years.
Mass transit is one of the answers.
I was in San Francisco while they were building BART in the early 70’s. The disruptions were terrible. Market Street, downtown was torn up for several years. It was a real mess. And the expense to taxpayers? Horrible. People bitched and moaned for years. It really was terrible.
But now 30 years later, on an average weekday BART has over 340,000 riders. That’s 340,00 people who did not have to take the freeway.
The Seattle area needs something like that – soon. If the Monorail wasn’t the answer, then apparently light rail is.
Mass transit is a must for this area.

Continue reading “November Election Endorsements”

It’s Official: Dino Rossi’s Doing It Again!

Dino Rossi
Dino Rossi made it official yesterday: he’s running for Governor of Washington state again, against his perennial nemisis, Christine Gregoire.
Pictured yesterday at the right with his head up his ass, Rossi commented, “I’m gonna smoke that bitch this time.”
I’m sure we all can’t wait.

Petraeus Plan is Good Fiction

Playtime in Iraq
Well I for one was completely surprised when George Bush came out publically in support of General Petraeus’s plan for Iraq.
Yeah, right.
Petraeus’s plan is nothing more than Bush administration propaganda designed to justify prolonging the war in Iraq. And Petraeus himself is nothing more than a figurehead, a puppet doing Bush’s bidding.
The 30,000 troop “drawdown” Petraeus proposes is a meaningless gesture designed to appease critics of the war. It’s not in any way a genuine move to end American involvement in Iraq.
The only words you will consistently hear from Bush and his cronies are, “more time.” The idea is that if the US has more time in Iraq to stabilize the situation, then everything will be roses. They’ll embrace the democratic form of government, and we’ll have a new stable ally in the mid-east.
This is a futile dream. It’s no more achievable than the goals we had in Viet Nam,
The French colonized Viet Nam in the late 1800’s. They were there 67 years, only giving it up as a lost cause finally in 1954. The US became involved at that time, and spent another 21 years and over 58,000 American lives in pursuit of the hopeless dream of turning South Viet Nam into a democratic nation.

Continue reading “Petraeus Plan is Good Fiction”

Sunday Morning Musings…

Gut Feeling
Al Qaeda are coming!!!
I was watching Meet The Press this morning – Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was on, pushing the company line for the Bush administration. What a shit-for-brains idiot!

It’s all, al Qaeda, al Qaeda, al Qaeda! The surge is working! We must stand firm! Our national security is at stake. If we leave, al Qaeda will win. Blah, blah, blah. al Qaeda. He must have said “al Qaeda” 10 times in maybe a minute.

It’s like Bush and his cronies figure that if they say the magic words – “al Qaeda” – then everyone will stand at attention and go along with anything they say.

And then if Bush and his buddies really want to get our attention, they’ll invoke the ghosts of “9/11.”

Continue reading “Sunday Morning Musings…”

Pay-By-The-Byte Ressurected?

Stupid ISP's
If a “pay-by-the-byte” pricing scheme is necessary for the economic survival of US ISPs, then how on earth are the ISP’s in Asia and elsewhere making it? Here are some current prices from Asia:

100 mb/s symmetrical FTTH – $51/ month US
47 mb/s down, 5 mb/s up ADSL – $6.00 / month

100 mb/s symmetrical FTTH – $36.63 / month
50 mb/s symmetrical FTTH – $30.22 / month
10 mb/s symmetrical FTTH – $27.40 / month

Then Hong Kong Broadband Network offers FTTH with symmetrical speeds ranging from 10 MB/s all the way to 1 GB/s (1000 MB/s), with prices topping out at about $258 per month for the symmetrical gigabit FTTH.

If these companies are making money at those prices – with no bit caps – then why can’t American companies offer the same packages at equivalent rates?

Continue reading “Pay-By-The-Byte Ressurected?”

RIP – Laura Ellen Hopper

Laura with Jay Boy Adams at KFAT

At right, Laura Ellen With Jay Boy Adams at KFAT.

On Memorial Day, Laura Ellen Hopper passed away due to complications from cancer.

This truly is the week the music died.
Laura Ellen was the Program Director of KPIG radio – 107 oink 5, in Freedom, California. Before that, she was the Program Director of the legendary and infamous KFAT radio, located in Gilroy, California, the garlic capital of the world, from 1975 through 1983.

KPIGI didn’t find out Laura Ellen had passed away until today, because in a fit of nostalgia, I’d been listening to the KFAT stream for the past few days.

Laura Ellen has been in my life for over 30 years.
I started listening to her in the mid-70’s on KFAT. I was staying in Aptos, living a counter-culture lifestyle.

One of my friends suggested I ditch KLRB and try listening to this strange new hippie station that’d started-up in Gilroy (Garlic capital of the world!). The station played all sorts of weird shit – country and western, blues, rock, bluegrass, zydeco, reggae, folk – they played damned near everything, except top-40.

I tried it.

I loved KFAT. It was completely unpredictable. In one half-hour, you might hear Randy Newman, Frank Wakefield, Jimi Hendrix, Merle Haggard, Joan Baez, Clifton Chenier, Larry Hosford, and The Allman Brothers Band. All chased with some Hawaiian Cowboy music.

From that point on, KFAT was all I listened to.

Through KFAT and Laura Ellen, my musical vistas were expanded greatly. I broke out of the rock and roll mode I’d been in for too many years, and started listening to country and to bluegrass and all sorts of the other music that she and KFAT played.


There were the Fat Frys and Le Club Fat. KFAT became an institution in the Monterey Bay area.
In 1982, I moved up to the city, so I actually missed the very end.
But for the years afterwards, I remained a Fat Head to the bone. It was hard being Fat Free – I hadn’t had the foresight to record any KFAT off the air. But I existed.

Then in the late 90’s living up in the Seattle area, I found KPIG online, and rejoiced! Because the Fat One was reborn!

I’ve been a faithful listener ever since (minus a couple years when Real Player was the only stream option). I don’t know what I would do without the Pig.

I think it’s only been in the last year or so that I came to understand exactly how important Laura Ellen was to KPIG and KFAT; came to understand how much of the stations were her.

It’s against all odds that KPIG lives. In this era of Satellite Radio and Clear Channel, KPIG should not be allowed to exist. It’s an anachronism; but more than that, it’s seditious – the last true free-form radio that exists, at least in this country. It shows exactly how good radio can be.

And with the advent of the web stream, KPIG has oinked its way into the lives of people all over the world – reaching a tremendous audience. An audience far beyond anything she ever envisioned, I’m sure, when she started out with KFAT.

My sincere hope is that KPIG will live long and prosper in Laura Ellen’s absence. That more than anything would be a wonderful monument to her – a fitting tribute to the enormous 30-year musical legacy she has left us.
Listen to KFAT

She affected my life greatly. She made me a better, more well-rounded person.
Thanks, Laura Ellen.
We’ll miss you a helluva lot.

Mike Pellegrini
Tacoma, Washington
A Fattie Forever

Oh to be a shill for a telco (or a gullible retard)

Telco Shill
It never fails to amaze me how the telcos shills populate user forums.
There was a story on broadbandreports.com:

5% of ISP Users Generate 45.3% of Traffic

On the flip side, 40% generate just 3.8%…

Ellacoya is a supplier of network hardware that can monitor and shape network traffic, and they recently shared some of their findings with ISP Planet. The company notes that 5% of users (aka “bandwidth hogs”) generate 45.3% of traffic, whereas at the other end of the spectrum 40% of users (aka “barely users”) generate just 3.8% of traffic. VoIP use spiked in 2006 for those light users, but online gaming exploded, with 22.3% gaming in August jumping to 66% in December (of course, it got cold, too). Meanwhile, 41.9% of bandwidth hogs use VoIP, whereas 95% play online games.

This produced a slew of comments for and against bandwidth hogs. I posted this comment:

Continue reading “Oh to be a shill for a telco (or a gullible retard)”

Cheney Plays Nuclear Card

Reichsmarschall Von Cheney
Now we’ve heard it all.
Today Vice President Dick Cheney told America that the threat of terrorists detonating a nuclear bomb in an American city: “It’s a very real threat … something that we have to worry about and defeat every single day.”

And then he went on to warn that if the United States withdraws from Iraq, then basically we’re just paving the way for terrorists to plant such a bomb in some US city.

So let’s get this straight. According to Reichsmarschall Von Cheney:
US stays in Iraq = US safe from nuclear terrorism
US leaves Iraq = American cities go boom!

What a bunch of unmitigated bullshit!

Cheney actually expects anyone to buy this kind of tripe? And this coming from the people who brought you Iraq’s wonderful “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” and Saddam Hussein’s much vaunted nuclear program.

Yeah, right!

This is obviously a last desperate card being played by the Bush administration. An empty attempt to salvage their position on the Iraq war-funding bill.

They figure if they can scare the holy living shit out of people, then the voters will play along with their program.

Now this approach did work rather well for the first few years of the war. All the orange, yellow, purple and mauve terror alerts. People were on edge, off balance. Suspicious and distrustful. Let’s buy some duct tape and tape up all our doors and windows in case of a chemical or biological attack. Right now!
And Bush and his buddies kept America that way – all to their advantage.

The bitch is, eventually people have come to see through the farce.

All the justifications for the Iraq war have been proved to be false – there were no WMD, no nukes, no ties between Saddam and al Qaeda – no nothing. No rational or practical basis for invading Iraq. None. Saddam as it turns out, wasn’t a menace to anyone outside the borders of his country.

Continue reading “Cheney Plays Nuclear Card”