Sunday Musings

Steve Bell cartoon
Hillary vs. Barack
The past few weeks, it’s really been getting to me how much the different candidates – from the same party – beat each other up.
I have to admit that when the republicans do it, I tend to think it’s cute. Gee, let’s watch the stupid conservatives self-destruct… It’s a great spectator sport. I think any democrat (like me) feels that way.

But by the same token, when your own (democratic) candidates are doing it, it takes on a slightly different light.

My point is that the past few weeks, the fights between Clinton and Obama have been getting kinda out of control and you have to wonder if they’re going to quit before one does irreparable damage to the other.

I really want to see the demos win this coming election. But my nightmare scenario: Clinton and Obama both sling so much mud at each other in their desperate bids to become the president that they are both successfully excluded from the race.

Talk about big burning bummers.

The nightmare concludes with this paving the way for a McCain victory (against some third-rated compromise demo candidate – maybe Edwards? Someone…).

I suppose that would never happen, but it still makes me kinda nervous.

Oh well, I suppose when you look at it from a Darwinian standpoint, it all makes sense – natural selection in its finest hour. The battle-hardened candidates go on to duke it out in the actual election

I just wish they’d go a little easier on each other and save the good stuff for when they go after McCain.

Speaking of McCain

I love it how John McCain is so controlled when he speaks. The guy talks so slowly, you wonder how much Valium he did. My guess is that he’s trying to impart the image of a wise elder statesman; calm, controlled, wise and unflappable.

But then you hear stories about McCain’s “legendary temper” for example here and here. , and you have to wonder if maybe he is on Valium…


I used to think McCain was okay, way back when. Former POW, all that. A man of honor. But then a year or two ago, he began flip-flopping positions on different issues (like torture, for instance), obviously trying to position himself for the presidential run, and I lost all respect for him.

He’s just another politician. Who, coincidentally, wants to keep us in Iraq for another 100 years (so he says) if that’s what it takes.

This is not the man who we should have for president.